Should You Have A Bridesman?

“To have a bridesman or not to have a bridesman?” This can be one tough politically correct question to ask yourself as a bride. Some people are traditional, while others think it’s super-cute to have one of y...

Fun and Festive Holiday DIY Cocktail Bar

by Brittany McComas Who doesn’t love holiday cheer, especially in the form of booze!? In the south we believe in mixing a little cheer into our glass, because otherwise we’d never make it through our dysfuncti...

How Will You Make Your Wedding Memorable?

If you’re planning on getting married, my guess is that you don’t want it to blend in with the rest of the weddings your guests have been to. You want to make your wedding memorable, so you can talk and smile a...

Ready to Warm Up? Let's Plan a Beach Inspired Wedding

There’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh ocean air blowing across open sand. If you really don't have the money to jet set your bridal party to a destination wedding, you can always bring it to you!  This ...

Five No-Bullshit Ways To Save Money On Your Wedding

by Brittany McComas Just because your brother’s wife’s cousin knows Blake Shelton doesn’t mean you can facebook him to play your wedding. Also, getting your friends to photograph your wedding is a horrible i...

Make Your Honeymoon Memories Last Forever

Grooms, this post is for you! Your bride has spent the last few months planning one of the most important (if not THE most important) days of your life. She’s carefully kept track of even the tiniest details, ...

Traditional Wedding Dresses Are Still Preferred By Most Brides

Thе mаjоrіtу оf brides іn this соuntrу ѕtіll prefer traditional wedding dresses оvеr ѕоmе of the lеѕѕ соnvеntіоnаl аltеrnаtіvеѕ. So whаt does a trаdіtіоnаl wedding drеѕѕ lооk lіkе еxасtlу? For the mоѕt раrt, al...