Write a Thank You to Your Parents - weddingfor1000.com

How To Write A Thank You Letter To Your Parents

In this day and age, not only are letters a thing of the past--they seem to be something our parents hold dear. Which is exactly why this is the perfect gift to say ‘thank you’ when it comes to the people who r...

Match Your Wedding Theme With Your Music

You've picked your wedding theme, you have all of the bits and bobs to go with it, the catering's all set, and so are the drinks! What could possibly be next? Have you thought of the music yet? The music is w...
Wedding Favors That Don't Suck

Fun Wedding Favors That Don't Suck

Finding cool things that don’t suck for wedding favors can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Wedding guests are super-sick of candy bars, bubbles, and cheap ass glasses with your new name on it. Give your...

Light Up Your Wedding with Light Up Lettering

One of the top 2015 wedding trends according to the Chi-Town Brides Blog, light up lettering is also arguably one of the most versatile. Quite simply, the possibilities are endless, and the ease with which the ...

The Super-Sassy Ultimate Couponing Guide For Brides

article by Brittany McComas image courtesy modwedding.com Every young girl dreams of a million dollar wedding filled with every single thing her little heart desires. You probably just don’t realize flowers a...